Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Keys to Effective Online Communication

Good Habits:

Make a commitment to write regularly, and you’ll find your voice. The power of marketing communications comes only through persistence and consistency in your message and delivery. Effective blogging is an ongoing process, while website content needs a yearly refresh, and you should update social media throughout the week.


Keep It Relevant:

Remember why buyers and sellers want to hear from you. They want to know what you can teach them about your market and the buying and selling process. Share your enthusiasm and talk up all you do to help clients.


Invite In and Opt-Out:

Don’t assume everyone who contacts you wants to be on the receiving end of your drip marketing campaign or electronic newsletter. Ask before adding anyone to your mailing list, and make it easy for subscribers to opt out. If you ignore this simple courtesy, your campaigns could work against you.


Remember Mobile:

Whatever apps you use to communicate online, make sure each is optimized for mobile devices. If your messages don’t display well on smartphones and tablets, they may be missed.


Answer When Asked:

The point of online communications is to motivate people to reach out to you. When someone does, answer ASAP using the medium they used to contact you, unless they request otherwise. Nothing speaks better of your professionalism than a prompt, thorough response.


Some Terms You’ll Hear

Branding: All of the materials and activities you use to establish and promote your “brand.” On the Internet, this encompasses all that you use to communicate with clients, prospects, and the general public.


Drip Marketing: An automated marketing campaign, administered through e-mail or regular mail, that delivers content to recipients on a scheduled basis as a way of keeping your name and contact information fresh in their minds.


Touchpoint: Each instance in which an existing or potential client sees or comes in contact with anything representing you.


Search Marketing: A strategy to improve placement in search engine results. It entails search engine optimization and fee-based services such as pay-per-click advertising based on keywords.


Syndication: The automated distribution of online content, such as a blog post or listing information, to multiple destinations.


Michael Antoniak


Michael Antoniak is a journalist and technology expert with a focus on real estate applications. He also writes about real estate technology at his blog, RealTechTools, and has published an e-book on Essential Technology for Mobile Professionals. He can be contacted at


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